My podcast launches next week!
And announcing it feels quite surreal.
Because I have been noodling around with the idea of starting a podcast for YEARS.

The word ‘Podcast’ has stared back at me from countless wall planners.
I’d write it in every January.
And then tell myself that I would get to it next month, next quarter, next year.
‘Podcast’ went from being written in biro, to being written in pencil, to being written on a post-it note that I kept peeling off and moving further down the year until the glue wouldn’t stick anymore and it fluttered sadly to the floor.
I think I know why…
The issues I really wanted to talk about weren’t about growing a business or becoming more visible.
The issues I really wanted to talk about didn’t feel like a ‘smart, strategic’ fit with my coaching business.
And I was trying to do it on my own…
Then late last year I had my ‘now or never’ moment.
A big programme launch failed and I had both a gaping hole of time in my calendar that I wasn’t expecting.
… And, all of a sudden, the welcome feeling of permission to try the something new that was calling me.
So I took what was actually the biggest step in all of this, and hired the utterly brilliant podcast producer, Lucy Lucraft, to hold my hand through my podcasting wobbles and tech confusion, and coax me towards the finishing line.
And now my podcast – The Happy Middle – is launching on Monday! 🎉
It’s actually here.
And I feel… a mixture or relief, excitement, nerves, satisfaction, curiosity – a pretty good blend of feelings actually.
All the doubts that kept me in sad-post-it-note-land for a long time have melted away.
The doing of it has made it possible in a way that the endless thinking about it never could.
So what’s The Happy Middle about?
Well, it’s a podcast for women navigating the sticky inbetweenness of midlife.
Each episode will take an honest and loving look at this middle bit.
Normalising the trickier parts, celebrating the good stuff, and asking how we can turn the messy middle into a happier one.
There’ll be conversations and interviews with some brilliant humans on topics including:
Friendships, relationships and sex in midlife; perimenopause and what to expect on the other side; finding (and losing) yourself in these middle years; and facing & embracing change.
You can listen to The Happy Middle podcast over here.
I can’t wait to hear what you think!