Brave Change Coaching
Helping you navigate midlife change
If anything characterises midlife, it’s change.
Our 40s and 50s are the most changeable periods of our lives.
Whether it’s our bodies, our minds, or our lives – everything either feels like it’s shifting
… or needs to.
3 types of midlife change

We often experience more than one type of change at once in midlife.
In fact, change usually creates more change.
Changes to our bodies, energy levels and emotions can have us reflecting on who we are and what we want. This can nudge us to initiate situational change as we try to realign our lives and ourselves.
Sometimes these life changes can feel like they’re happening TO us, without our input, in midlife. Kids leaving home, parents getting older and needing us more, marriages coming to an end, employment changing…
Big, unasked-for changes like these can leave us feeling untethered and uncertain. Kickstarting the tender process of developmental change, as we reassess what we want from the future.
And all of this is usually happening while we’re juggling more roles and more responsibilities than ever before…
Midlife coaching will help you to...
- Step off the hamster wheel and take some time to figure out what you want.
- Create a map for your future that you actually want to follow.
- Find a gentler, kinder way to navigate brave change.
- Gain a better understanding of yourself and who you are now.
- Let go of the old layers that you no longer want to carry around.
- Reclaim the parts of you that you miss – the bits that have been buried away for a while.
- Design a more playful, creative life.
- Turn the messy middle into a happier one.
3 things I'd love you to know...
You don’t have burn everything to the ground. Even if it feels like you do. You can change what needs changing while cherishing what doesn’t.
Change does not have to be one exhausting, relentless slog towards a distant finishing post. Change can happen at a gentler, safer pace than that.
You don’t have to do this on your own. Getting the right support will help you navigate or create real, sustainable change.
I'm Suzy. I'm a coach, mentor & writer.

I coach smart, sensitive, huge-hearted women who want to make – or find themselves navigating – brave change in their lives and in themselves.
My clients tend to have big dreams they long to fulfil and high expectations for themselves. But very little space or energy left over once they’ve looked after everyone else.
I will help you to find a gentler, kinder path towards your own brave change.
And help you build your self belief, resilience and courage along the way.
I am an ICF-certified, trauma-informed coach. I trained with two well-respected organisations: Sas Petherick’s Self Belief Coaching Academy & the Somatic School.
I have regular 1:1 supervision with a qualified supervisor to help me be the best coach I can be and ensure I coach effectively, ethically & safely.
I have coached hundreds of smart, sensitive, big-hearted women through brave change over the last 4-ish years through my coaching & programmes.
My coaching has 3 main strands which will guide the work we do together:
1) self compassion – cultivating a more loving relationship with yourself & building resilience.
2) self belief –understanding your self doubt & strengthening your courage.
3) somatics (working with body & mind) – noticing & tuning into your body’s knowing & finding more supportive ways to be in the world.
Coaching the whole of you
We work cognitively – through conversation, questioning and evidence-based coaching tools
Gently uncovering any unconscious beliefs and patterns that are tripping you up.
Respectfully bringing them to light, turning them over. Understanding where they’ve come from. And, when you’re ready, letting them go.
We work somatically – through tuning into & working with the body.
Dropping down into the body-mind for wisdom that goes beyond words.
Reconnecting to the body’s innate intelligence that many of us have been trained us to ignore.
Settling the nervous system & better resourcing you for brave change.

Let's work together
Brave Change
Midlife Coaching
- 3 months of focused, 1:1 support with your brave change.
- 6 x 60-min coaching calls (2 per month).
- Weekly check ins between sessions
- A toolkit of gentle, somatic practices and support with embedding them into your daily life.
- My unwavering belief in you as you navigate your brave change.
£1,200 in full
or £400 x 3
(longer payment plans available on request)
Brave Change
Midlife Coaching
- 6 months of focused, 1:1 support with your brave change.
- 12 x 60-min coaching calls (2 per month).
- Weekly check ins between sessions
- A toolkit of gentle, somatic practices and support with embedding them into your daily life.
- My unwavering belief in you as you navigate your brave change.
£2,400 in full
or £400 x 6
(longer payment plans available on request)
Want to talk it through?
If you’re interested in coaching and would like to talk it through, ask questions and make sure that I’m the right fit for you, then book a Zoom call with me through the button below.

Frequently asked questions
When can we start?
Please get in touch to check on my availability. I do not coach over August or December, but if your coaching spans those months, I’ll add another month to the end of your package. E.g you sign up for 3 months’ coaching in July. We would work July, break in August, then resume in September and October.
Is this business coaching?
No, midlife change coaching is not the same as business coaching. Our work together will be about creating or navigating midlife change. Business coaching with me is about creating or growing a business. You can find more information about Brave Business Coaching here.
Is this the right coaching for me?
Midlife coaching is right for you if you consider yourself to be in midlife (the age range for this is pretty arbitrary depending on who you ask, so safest to ask yourself). And if you want to make changes to your life or to yourself or are facing big change and would like support navigating it. My coaching is person-centred and we work with whatever you bring into each coaching session. If you’d like to talk to me about this, please book a discovery call with me.
What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?
Coaching is not a replacement for therapy. It is forward-facing, focusing on your growth and development. Coaching helps you to reconnect to your purpose and create new patterns of thinking and doing so that you can work towards the life and experiences that you want.
Therapy helps you to look behind and better understand your past experiences and how they affect you today. Clinical therapists also manage diagnoses and treatment of mental illnesses, which coaches most certainly do not.
You might want to work with a therapist alongside coaching. If you need to choose between therapy and coaching, start with therapy and come to coaching when you’re ready.
I have a different question
No problem! You are very welcome to email me: [email protected] or better still, book a 30-min call with me and we can chat through all your questions together.